TEC Projects

Epi Core
- Epi Core is a continuing 5-year program funded by the Indian Health Service with the goal of strengthening Tribes’ epidemiologic services through:
- Data collection
- Data and program evaluation
- Health priorities identification
- Health service needs recommendations
- Health care delivery systems recommendations
- Epidemiologic technical assistance provision to tribes and tribal organizations
- Disease surveillance operations
- Contact: Eleanor GunShows, TEC Director
Tribal Epidemiology Center Public Health Infrastructure (TEC-PHI)
- TEC-PHI is a 5-year capacity building project funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the goal to strengthen the RMTEC through:
- Public Health Trainings & Technical Assistance;
- Targeted Data Expansion & Strategic Planning;
- Indigenous Evaluation Methods; and
- Strengthening RMTEC Communication & Outreach
- Contact: Brook McDonald, TECPHI Program Director
Tribal College Nursing Collaboration
- RMTEC is working on this project:
- Recruiting nursing graduates into Tribal and Indian Health service sites;
- Mapping and analyzing primary care related clinical services in Tribal and Indian Health Service sites;
- Interviewing new nursing graduates for any ideas for making their career in Rural Community Health a better transition; and
- Assisting with the development of clinical site affiliations, as well as providing the sites with technical assistance (she has been contacting potential site personnel to set up training sites).
- Contact: rmtec@rmtlc.org
Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program (TIPCAP)
- IHS 5-year cooperative agreement for injury prevention program development, implementation, evaluation, training and resource development, data dissemination, surveillance, applied epidemiologic studies, training, responses to public health emergencies, technical assistance, and disease control and prevention activities.
- RMTEC is:
- Developing a leading causes report for injury morbidity and mortality;
- Providing TA (e.g., designing databases, analyzing data) for all Tribes in Montana and Wyoming; and
- Reaching out to the Injury Prevention points of contact at each of the Matter of Balance (MoB) site and sending them resources that will help with Coach recruitment. For participation in the MoB program, each site needs at least (minimum) two individuals to volunteer as Coaches to conduct the MoB program in their community. The training session for Coaches will be provided by the Master Trainers and will take place over two days (four to six hours each day).
- Contacts: Elliot Moore, Epidemiologist
Child Health Measures
- Child Health Measures is currently in its 14th year of data collection. RMTEC continues to assist with data entry and analysis.
- The project is being revamped and improvements are being made to the collection methods and surveys.
- Two small grants are to be awarded to two Tribes that have participated in the project for the past ten years. The objective of the small grants is to encourage the use of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) traditional, cultural, and regional knowledge in developing, implementing, and/or supporting childhood overweight and obesity education, prevention, and management initiatives amongst Tribal communities.
- Contact: rmtec@rmtlc.org
Tribal Public Health Training Needs Assessment
- Short survey created to learn more about current skills and areas of need for professional development for Tribal Health staff. The survey will gauge the skill level within public health domains and identify the areas of greatest need, so RMTEC can prioritize training offerings and guide future activities and collaborative efforts.
- Contact: ta-training@rmtlc.org
Tribal Public Health Priorities Annual Survey
- Annual survey to prioritize the health issues that are most important to Tribal communities throughout Montana & Wyoming. The results of this survey will guide future RMTEC projects and help RMTEC better serve Tribal people in Montana & Wyoming.
- Contact: Eleanor GunShows, TEC Director