Health Sub Committee

FACA 2022

The RMTLC Tribal Health Subcommittee is a regular forum that meets quarterly to discuss concerns and make recommendations for action by the Tribal Leaders regarding Indian Health Services and other medical services in their community or other medical services outside their community which is accessed by Tribal community members, including services provided by Urban Indian Health programs in Montana.

MT/WY TLC Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Committees & Delegates

IHS Announces Technical Assistance Webinars for CHAP Expansion Funding Opportunities

Applications due Monday, September 6, 2021

The Indian Health Service (IHS) has announced two Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) funding opportunities.

  • CHAP Tribal Assessment and Planning (TAP) Grant
  • Deadline: Monday, September 6, 2021
  • Designed to provide funding to Tribes and Tribal Organizations to identify barriers to care and assess whether the CHAP model can address barriers to care through focusing on key areas derived from Tribal consultation including clinical infrastructure, workforce barriers, provider certification, provider training, and cultural inclusion. The CHAP TAP grant program is a two year grant program of a total of $520,000 per awardee and the IHS intends to fund nine (9) awards. Tribes and Tribal Organizations within an IHS Area are strongly encouraged to partner. To assist applicants and answer questions regarding the content of the grant, a webinar was held on August 9. Read more here.
  • CHAP Tribal Planning and Implementation Grant
  • Deadline: Monday, September 6, 2021

Designed to provide funding to Tribes and Tribal Organizations positioned to begin operating a CHAP or support an expanded CHAP by providing infrastructure support to address clinical supervision, scope of practice, training, technology, workforce integration, and social determinants of health. The CHAP TPI grant program is a two-year grant program of a total of $1,000,000 per awardee and the IHS intends to fund three (3) awards. Tribes and Tribal Organizations within an IHS Area are strongly encouraged to partner. To assist applicants and answer questions regarding the content of the grant, a webinar was held on August 10. Read more here.


Medicaid Expansion