To preserve our homelands, defend rights of the Indian Treaties with the United States, speak in a unified voice, offer support to our people, offer a forum in which to consult each other and enlighten each other about our peoples, and to otherwise promote the common welfare of all of the Indian Peoples of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.

Journey Through Resiliency
May 28 - May 29

Join us for the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council 2nd Annual Journey Through Resiliency conference. Topics covered include substance misuse, domestic violence prevention, suicide prevention, and resiliency training. May 28th & 29th at the Great Falls International Airport and July 23rd & 24th at Wind River Casino in Riverton, WY.
Featuring keynote speakers Waylon “Pee” Pahona and Dr. Maegan Rides At The Door. Event emceed by August “Tiger” Scalpcane.
Breakfast: 7:30am – 8:30am
Conference: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Registration: click here or visit
Lodging: Crystal Inn Hotel & Suites
Group code: RMTLC5 – Deadline of April 30th, 2025
For questions, contact Melissa Big Leggins.