Become a Certified Trainer for Building Native Communities: Financial Skills for Families!
A train-the-trainer workshop for the new 5th Edition of the Building Native Communities: Financial Skills for Families curriculum is scheduled for July 26-28 in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. However, you need to apply to attend by July 8, 2016! It is hosted by our sister organization – First Nations Oweesta Corporation– and takes place at the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
This is a three-day, state-of-the-art instructor training and certification program to help Native CDFIs (community development financial institutions), tribes and other Native organizations establish and sustain financial education programs in their communities.
Oweesta will be accepting registration applications to attend until July 8, 2016, or until filled. Early and quality applications will be prioritized, so please register quickly and fully complete the registration application, which can be found here:
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please anticipate receiving notification within one week of submitting your application. Please do not make travel arrangements until your attendance has been confirmed. (Due to the generosity of the KeyBank Foundation, this training has no registration fees.)