On April 13, RADM Michael Weahkee, Acting Director of the Indian Health Service, sent a Dear Tribal Leaders Letter initiating a tribal consultation on the distribution of funding for the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) for FY 2019.Although any recommendations are being welcomed, the department is looking for feedback on the following questions:1. Should there be any changes in the SDPI national funding distribution? If so, in what way? Currently, the SDPI funding distribution is as follows:
- Community-Directed grant program $130.2 million
- Urban Indian Health Programs $8.5 million
- SDPI Support $6.1 million
- Data Infrastructure Improvement $5.2 million
2. The SDPI Data Infrastructure Improvement funds provide important support for SDPI at the national, Area, and local levels. The funding supports diabetes data collection, validation, and analytics, as well as associated training and support systems. Should there be any changes in the SDPI Data Infrastructure Improvement funding allocation? If so, how could SDPI Data Infrastructure Improvement funds be allocated to better support local grant-related data and infrastructure needs by SDPI grantees?For more information on scheduling and locations, please click here.NCAI Contact Info: Jacob Schellinger, Government Affairs Director, jschellinger@ncai.org