2019 Montana American Indian Caucus
NIHB is Accepting Proposals for the Environmental Health and Climate Change Track at the 2019 Tribal Public Health Summit National Tribal Public Health Summit – Conference Information…
January 3, 2019 | Issue 19-01 Missed Last Week’s Washington Report? Click Here to visit our Archives! UPCOMING EVENTS IHS All Tribal…
Tell Congress How the Shutdown is Harming Your Tribe’s Health! January 3, 2019 Today, January 3, 2019, marks the 13th day of the partial government shutdown. The Indian Health…
Registration Register by January 18 to save up to $100! To register online, click here for the early bird rate. To register with a check or money order, click here for…
January 3, 2019 Government Shutdown Update: The President and Congress Must Fund Tribal Programs Immediately Partial Government Shutdown: A stalemate over the President’s proposal to fund a border wall…
To preserve our homelands, defend rights of the Indian Treaties with the United States, speak in a unified voice, offer support to our people, offer a forum in which to consult each other and enlighten each other about our peoples, and to otherwise promote the common welfare of all of the Indian Peoples of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.
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2929 3rd Ave N, Ste 300
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: (406) 252-2550
Email: info@rmtlc.org
©2025 Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council - Website Maintained by Rebel River Creative