Upcoming Consultations on Federal Infrastructure
Please see the message below from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Tribal Justice, and the Army. Recent events have highlighted the need for a broader review and consultation…
Please see the message below from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Tribal Justice, and the Army. Recent events have highlighted the need for a broader review and consultation…
October 12, 2016 Contacts: Devin Delrow (202) 507-4072 Sarah Freeman (202) 507-4077 Washington, DC – On September 28, 2016 the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) held a Tribal consultation session…
Your Money, Your Goals Resources for Native Communities A webinar introduction The growing suite of Your Money, Your Goals financial empowerment resources helps frontline staff and volunteers as they work…
Children’s Bureau Launches New Series of Products to Support Implementation Best Practices The Permanency Innovations Initiative (PII) is a child welfare initiative that combines implementation science and rigorous evaluation. Created as part…
Public Health Broadcast Your Input on Strengthening Behavioral Health is Needed The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Indian Health Service (IHS) with the support of the…
Treatment program, Eastern Shoshone Recovery Center will be celebrating National Recovery Month with their own theme on September 14th, starting at 10 a.m. with a sweat ceremony and luncheon being…
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Tribal Consultation Wednesday, September 28, 2016 The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently sent a Dear Tribal Leader Letter (DTLL) initiating Tribal consultation on the…
I am pleased to inform you that “Partners in Building a Stronger Montana: 2016 State-Tribal Relations Report” is now available online at http://tribalnations.mt.gov/Portals/34/TribalAffairs_AR_2016_WEB.pdf. The Report begins with an overview…
To preserve our homelands, defend rights of the Indian Treaties with the United States, speak in a unified voice, offer support to our people, offer a forum in which to consult each other and enlighten each other about our peoples, and to otherwise promote the common welfare of all of the Indian Peoples of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.
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2929 3rd Ave N, Ste 300
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: (406) 252-2550
Email: info@rmtlc.org
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